Goals, Mindset, Performance, Sales, Transparency Tawanda Chirenda Goals, Mindset, Performance, Sales, Transparency Tawanda Chirenda

8 Ways Being Too Performance-Focused Hurts You as an Entrepreneur

Are you feeling frustrated and stuck in business and in your life? It could be because you are too fixated on performance. You may be ignoring the learning and growth opportunities that are in front of you. The uncomfortable things in front of you might be what you actually need to get to the next level of your business.

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Goals, Mindset, Performance, Sales, Transparency Tawanda Chirenda Goals, Mindset, Performance, Sales, Transparency Tawanda Chirenda

The Underlying Problem with Being Too Performance-Focused as an Entrepreneur

Goal setting is a common prescription most entrepreneurs use when they’re looking to perform at a higher level and grow their businesses. There is nothing evil about that. I believe goal setting is how you become who you want to be. Using goals to unlock massive growth in your business seems like a noble thing to do.

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