Is Your Mindset Limiting You as an Entrepreneur?
What type of mindset do you have? In a ground-breaking research study conducted by John-Erik Mathisen and Jan Ketil Arnulf at BI Norwegian Business School, there are two mindsets that most aspiring entrepreneurs have, one of which is likely limiting your potential as an entrepreneur.
This Is What Your Customers Are Hungry For
Now, more than ever, your customers are hungry. They are after something. They want your genuineness more than your product, service, ideas or expertise. They want an experience. They want an experience that is more authentic and real. This means you need to stay in touch with the real you.
Goals Do Not Guarantee Success as an Entrepreneur
We have been told time and time again that goal setting is an essential tool for achieving success in business and in our lives. That's true. But what we are not always told by goal setting experts is that goals themselves do not change anything.
8 Ways Being Too Performance-Focused Hurts You as an Entrepreneur
Are you feeling frustrated and stuck in business and in your life? It could be because you are too fixated on performance. You may be ignoring the learning and growth opportunities that are in front of you. The uncomfortable things in front of you might be what you actually need to get to the next level of your business.
The Underlying Problem with Being Too Performance-Focused as an Entrepreneur
Goal setting is a common prescription most entrepreneurs use when they’re looking to perform at a higher level and grow their businesses. There is nothing evil about that. I believe goal setting is how you become who you want to be. Using goals to unlock massive growth in your business seems like a noble thing to do.
How to Clarify Your Purpose as an Entrepreneur and Breathe Again
I believe being professional, smart, persuasive, fun, and social is not enough to become who you want to be as an entrepreneur and improve the quality of your business and life. Don’t get me wrong. It’s important to be professional, social, smart, and fun. You should strive to be all of those things.