How to Find Meaning and Significance as an Entrepreneur
It starts with getting clear about you as an entrepreneur. You are not any different from other entrepreneurs around you who seem to have more control over their businesses and lives. You just haven’t figured out how to have the right people around you who can help you maximize your potential.
The More Empowered You Are as an Entrepreneur, The More You Empower Others
You need relationships in order to survive and thrive in today’s highly competitive global marketplace. You cannot do life alone. You cannot do life with just anyone. You need the right people. You need the best team. Research suggests 98% of the results come through the engagement and relationships you build with your team.
The Most Important Thing You Need as an Entrepreneur
I believe if you really want to accomplish your dreams and become who you want to be in business and in your life, personal coaching is what ultimately matters. Not the "technical rigor" of your skills. Not your credentials. Not your educational qualifications. Not your professional experience. Not your ideas.
The Best Way to Get Better as an Entrepreneur is to Fail
The biggest mistake you can make in business and in your life as an entrepreneur is to try and protect yourself from failure. If you want to become who you want to be, you must be willing to fail. If you want to get hired, you must be willing to get fired.
8 Ways Being Too Performance-Focused Hurts You as an Entrepreneur
Are you feeling frustrated and stuck in business and in your life? It could be because you are too fixated on performance. You may be ignoring the learning and growth opportunities that are in front of you. The uncomfortable things in front of you might be what you actually need to get to the next level of your business.
The Underlying Problem with Being Too Performance-Focused as an Entrepreneur
Goal setting is a common prescription most entrepreneurs use when they’re looking to perform at a higher level and grow their businesses. There is nothing evil about that. I believe goal setting is how you become who you want to be. Using goals to unlock massive growth in your business seems like a noble thing to do.
How to Clarify Your Purpose as an Entrepreneur and Breathe Again
I believe being professional, smart, persuasive, fun, and social is not enough to become who you want to be as an entrepreneur and improve the quality of your business and life. Don’t get me wrong. It’s important to be professional, social, smart, and fun. You should strive to be all of those things.
The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Yourself as an Entrepreneur
I believe every entrepreneur today needs personal coaching more than ever. For me, it was the fastest way to becoming who I wanted to be. Personal coaching helped me learn the most important skill every entrepreneur needs to learn sooner rather than later – Authentic Leadership.