The More Empowered You Are as an Entrepreneur, The More You Empower Others
You need relationships in order to survive and thrive in today’s highly competitive global marketplace. You cannot do life alone. You cannot do life with just anyone. You need the right people. You need the best team. Research suggests 98% of the results come through the engagement and relationships you build with your team. You need a great team to grow your business.
This is why I am a big fan of personal coaching because it empowers you. It helps you stay committed to something bigger than you. It helps you find your purpose and your team. It helps you embark on the greatest mission of your life. You get to choose the mission.
I believe we are all here on a mission and the mission is to help each other become better. We are here to help each other have more control over our future. Personal coaching allows you to empower others. It allows you to trust more, to believe more, and to give more without strings attached.
The more empowered you are as an entrepreneur, the more you empower others. That’s how we build trust among each other and in our businesses, companies, workplaces, and communities. That’s how you become the best. Personal coaching allows you to lose the need to be right because finally you are right with you. You lose the need to control others because you finally have control over you and your future. The more control you give others, the more they will trust you. It’s called empowerment. Our world needs trust more than ever and I believe the solution is in personal coaching.
In 2019, the Edelman Trust Barometer found that people around the world had shifted their trust to the relationships within their control. That means the less control people feel around you, the less they will trust you. This is why according to this global study, people at the time trusted in their employer (75 percent) more than NGOs (57 percent), business (56 percent) and media (47 percent). However, this was before the COVID-19 pandemic. These numbers have changed.
At the beginning of the pandemic companies laid off tens of millions of workers and as a result many employees no longer trust their employers as they once did. A 2022 survey of 5,000 U.S. workers by Lifeworks (acquired by Telus in 2022 and now merged into Telus Health) found that nearly one in five workers, trust employers less than they did before the pandemic. And a 2023 survey by A.Team in partnership with Pollfish, found that 66% of all workers, and 83% who had recently been let go, say layoffs made them lose trust in the stability and security of full-time employment.
How much empowered does your team feel around you?
This is a good question to ask yourself if you are looking to truly engage your team, grow your business, and become who you want to be. We trust people that empower us. A study by Inpulse, found that employees who feel supported by their line managers are 3.4 times more likely to feel engaged at work. This study of 50,000 employees found that 81 percent of those who felt trusted by their line managers were engaged, compared to 28 percent of employees who didn’t.
You may not be a big business or big employer, but you need to think like one. The loss of trust in institutions is happening at the same time that people are feeling more powerful. This trend started before the pandemic. In their 2018 Global Human Capital Trends report, Deloitte found out that the power of the individual was growing and that young workers were at the forefront of this shift in power. This is fascinating because to me what it means is that people around the world were feeling powerful yet at the same time feeling less control over their lives and future.
This is where you come in as a smart, fun and caring entrepreneur. Your goal is to use your business to help your team realize they have more power than they think and showing them how to use this power wisely. But you need to have control over your own life first. Control over your own life and future comes when you use your power wisely. It’s called leadership.
If you are ready for more in business and in your life and want help building the joyful, passionate, and profitable business you deserve, book a free consultation call with me. I’ll help you get clear on who you really are as an entrepreneur, be more confident about your unique brand voice, and empower you to expand the quality of your presence and influence in the global marketplace. You’ll know how it feels to build your business differently and pursue the right goals. You’ll stop wasting your time on people who don’t value you or people you can’t make a difference to.