This Is What Your Customers Are Hungry For
Now, more than ever, your customers are hungry. They are after something. They want your genuineness more than your product, service, ideas or expertise. They want an experience. They want an experience that is more authentic and real.
This means you need to stay in touch with the real you. You need to share the real you with your customers. You need to share your authentic experiences with your customers. This is a moment-to-moment decision. Your customers need to feel inspired. The more inspired your customers are, the more you’ll prosper as an entrepreneur.
Don’t make the mistake of creating distance between you and your customers. The bigger the distance between you and your customers, the greater the anxiety, and the more the opportunities for failure. You need to know who you truly are and live that you daily. Consistency is key.
This is true also for what you say. Don’t create distance between what you say and what you believe. I believe the bigger the distance between what you say and what you believe, the less credible you are. The “fake it till you make it” mantra doesn’t work anymore. You can fake it in the short-term, but in the long run, it’s not going to work. You need an authentic voice as an entrepreneur. That is the open secret to building a high-performing business. You need to connect on a deeper level. That’s how you elevate your business above the competition.
Stop worrying about differentiating yourself from the competition. Differentiation is not the problem. The problem is you are busy running away from you. You are what you are looking for. You are the very thing that will give you the competitive edge or differentiation you need. You are the authentic voice you are looking for.
Your customers are looking to connect with the real you. Your fears, your convictions, your passions, your beliefs, and your hopes. Your customers know you’re afraid. They’re just waiting to see if you have the guts to be honest about it. This is not about complaining or whining. It’s about being honest about how you feel. Your customers are smarter than you think. Your customers are more informed than you give them credit for. They’re socially-connected and empowered. They talk amongst themselves. You can fake it for a while, but sooner or later your customers will find out.
I urge you to stay true to who you are and what you stand for. Building a high-performing business is not about manipulating people into giving you what you want. It's about working from your true self. It’s about operating from your actual felt experiences. Find the courage to connect deeply with your customers. Have the audacity to convey your deeper experiences in everything you do.
There are a lot of great movement builders and high-performance leaders you can learn from. These movement builders and high-performance leaders used their authentic voices to inspire and ignite passion in their audience. I don’t mean to get carried away here, but these people have inspired me greatly – Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, and Kobe Bryant just to name, but a few.
These high-performance leaders did not water down their boldness. They used their art and craft to push the boundaries. They catered to their dreams not their doubters. No matter how many times they fell, they got back up and kept moving. They knew the difference between hypocrisy and authenticity. They knew the power of standing up for their own truth. They knew that other people’s opinions should never hold you back from pursuing you.
They knew that high-performance is not about diluting your voice. It’s not about appeasement, but peace-making. They knew that high-performance is not about the masses, but the message. As an entrepreneur, stay true to who you are. That’s how you get big things done.
Build up the people around you. Don’t cave to threats or pressure. Don’t seek the crowds. Ponder wisely. Don’t dilute your potency. Pay attention. Give your customers what they crave for. Be authentic. Be original. Be bold. Be genuine. Stay fresh. Be humble. But most importantly, stay humane.
I truly believe getting big things done as an entrepreneur is not about near-term profits. It’s not about mass-appeal. It’s not about adjusting to every critique. It’s about commitment. It’s about realness. It’s about truth. It’s about connection. It’s about mastering your craft. Don’t run away from what’s true to you. Ignore the noise. Don’t be a people pleaser. Embrace the discomfort. Be audacious. Be you. That’s how you build a great business and get big things done.
If you are ready for more in your business and in your life and want help finding out who you truly are as an entrepreneur, what you want and how you’ll get there, book a free consultation call with me. I promise, you’ll feel better after our call. You’ll know how it feels to build your business differently and pursue the right goals. You’ll stop wasting your time on people who don’t value you or people you can’t make a difference to.