What We Do.
We grow entrepreneurs and build high-performing businesses. We strip away the useless entrepreneurship jargon and dogma and help you achieve your goals in a way that is personally meaningful and uniquely valuable to your customers.
At Becoming a Willing Student, we utilize a unique entrepreneurial approach to help you grow your influence while making your competition irrelevant. If you’re looking for help maximizing your unique competitive advantage and building the joyful, passionate and profitable business you deserve, we’re here for you.
Whether your goals involve starting and running a thriving business, deciding what's next, landing the right customers, figuring out what your unique competitive advantage is, learning to get to the point with prospective customers, or learning to make an instant sales or elevator pitch, Becoming a Willing Student will help you laser-focus on the things that get you results. You'll walk away with tangible insights, bold ideas, fresh thought processes and proven strategies that will help you feel better, do better, and get what you really want out of your business.
Do You Know
Why your potential customers are choosing other businesses over you?
What’s the end benefit they’re after?
Why they’re not responding to your sales and marketing efforts (email marketing, social media advertising, content distribution, etc.)?
Their main concerns, doubts and hesitations?
What puts them off – which aspects of your business scares potential customers away?
Which parts of your business causes the most disconnection and turns customers away?
What experiences your potential customers are after, but can’t find by buying from you?
Which sales and marketing mistakes are costing you dearly?
Which parts of your business are actually performing well and should be kept?
We’re going to help you find out. In fact, we’ll tell you exactly what to do to better connect with your customers and get them excited about you. If you're not getting the results you need from your business or if you are tired of rejections, Becoming a Willing Student is for you.
We have designed our coaching program to give you an engaging experience that will help you grow your business, the right way. In our program, we’ll talk about everything that you might be worried about right now – income, sales, customers, brand, social media, paid advertising, email marketing, and content distribution.
You’ll know how it feels to grow your business and build your team differently and pursue the right goals. You’ll grow your impact, influence and income. You’ll experience greater joy, fulfillment and deep satisfaction as you lead yourself and your team effectively.
Schedule Your Free Consultation.
If you want to feel more purposeful, effective and passionate in your business and life than you’ve ever been before, get in touch.