What We Believe.

You have more power than you think. With Becoming a Willing Student, you’ll discover your power, dig deeper, and uncover tangible insights that will fast-track the achievement of your goals.

You’ll be inspired and empowered to pursue bold ideas. You’ll receive fresh thought processes and you’ll feel better about you. You’ll do better and you’ll get what you really want out of your business.

At Becoming a Willing Student, we believe authentic entrepreneurship is more than just activity or reach. We believe authentic entrepreneurship is a mind-set. We believe you have greater influence and impact as an entrepreneur when you know who you are, your value, and your voice. It’s about caring, consistency, confidence, and relevance. You can’t fake this stuff. You can only be it.

You Need More Than Just Passion, Ideas or Good Intentions.

The reality is that the business landscape has changed. Today's customers have many options of businesses to choose from. To win customers and grow your business, you need more than just passion, ideas or good intentions. You need a relationship with a caring, empathetic coach who can challenge you to go deeper than you’ve gone before.

I founded Becoming a Willing Student because as a former young entrepreneur who struggled with entrepreneurial anxiety, I saw first-hand the need for authentic business coaching for entrepreneurs everywhere. If you’re feeling stuck in your business, I know how it feels. I have been there. It’s not the end of the world. This is an opportunity to learn and grow. I want to show you how.

Knowing Your Value and Increasing That Value in How You Think, Speak and Act

At Becoming a Willing Student, we believe becoming who you want to be as an entrepreneur requires more than just starting a business or getting customers. We believe it’s about building a high-performance team around you that you can do life with. And building a high-performance team starts with growing your leadership first.

This is what we are all about at Becoming a Willing Student. It’s about helping you develop a personal growth and authentic leadership mindset. Our process doesn’t just stop at you and what you want for you. It’s about making an impact with your business. It’s about giving hope to your team. You’ll learn how to use your voice to inspire others and to help them create their best life.

You’ll believe in yourself again. We believe in you and we invite you to join our movement. We are building an authentic entrepreneurial movement of smart, fun and caring entrepreneurs, and together we can give more hope to the world.

Our movement is about helping entrepreneurs unlock incredible growth opportunities in their businesses and lives. It’s about elevating you from the slush pile of competitors. It’s about prospering as an entrepreneur. It’s about expanding the quality of your presence and influence in business and in your industry. It’s about knowing your value and increasing that value in how you think, speak and act.

Schedule Your Free Consultation.

If you want to feel more purposeful, effective and passionate in your business and life than you’ve ever been before, get in touch.